Tag: shooter

REVIEW: Outbreak

Outbreak is a top-down 2D survival horror / shooter. The game is set in the modern times, in a generic unnamed western city. Nobody knows how the pandemic really started, all people know is that the world is now full of undead monsters, made from

PREVIEW: Guns N’ Boxes

Guns N’ Boxes (I wonder what happened to the first apostrophe) is a four-player top-down twin-stick arena shooter with pixel graphics, currently in Steam Early Access.There’s no story to Guns N’ Boxes, but there doesn’t need

REVIEW: Merger 3D

Merger 3D is a 3D shooter that plays on the nostalgic vintage era of shooters. An Homage to Classic Doom, maybe almost plagiaristic, as the first level song I think is actually from Classic Doom lol. I can let that slide tho as the music is dope lol.

REVIEW: Operation Hardcore

Operation Hardcore is a 2D side-scrolling stick shooter with some modern twists, but still heavily inspired by old classics of the same genre like, for example, Contra.

REVIEW: End Of The Mine

The cleverly-titled End of the Mine is a mostly enjoyable if somewhat unexceptional 2D platformer/shooter, in which the player mines for interplanetary goodies while blasting endless hordes of beasties. Find weapons, upgrade weapons, craft ammo

REVIEW: Rocket Riot

Currently, Rocket Riot only offers an explosive (ohoho) single player experience, but its Xbox Live debut back in 2009 had multiplayer which some people might miss or want. The developers are looking into some alternatives since they don’t have the

REVIEW: Arkshot

Self-proclaimed as “Quake meets Duck Game”, Arkshot is an online first-person archery game developed by Code Avarice. But how does it hold up? Let’s find out.

REVIEW: Damned Cold

Do you like games that punish you for daring to play them? The Battletoads, the Dark Souls, the Hotline Miami’s; games that say right back to the player “So you think you’ve got what it takes to beat me?” Games where the



May 2024

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