This science-fiction survival-crafting bun needs a lot more time in the oven before it’s suitable for human consumption.
One more mission…
Fallout 76 has had an awful reception, but really it’s just a matter of expectations and poor marketing.
Thou shalt not love thy neighbour here in this place, show no mercy, kill them all and let God sort them out.
Boundless presents players with a huge voxel sandbox in a solar system full of planets to explore and colonise — very slowly, and with lots of bugs.
The game world and idea of Worlds Adrift are wonderful, but the implementation is disappointing.
Dive naked into the Exiled Lands. Chop up your own dead body and eat it, then beat on your enemies with your own severed leg.
Will you become a foot soldier, a tank driver, a medic or something else? Enlist in the war effort today and do your part!
Is it really just another survival game?
Hellion is a massively multiplayer space survival game set in the backdrop of 24th century