Much like the name itself, this visual novel meanders around a vague idea while never really going anywhere or achieving anything.
A perfect job to hear all the drama.
The Gardens Between takes a simple method of puzzling and manages to make it something notable, which is an achievement in and of itself.
Use bullet-time to kill baddies, with style.
Excellent 2D fighter, if you have the skill and the will to persevere.
Attack on Titan 2 expands into the third Season.
Godhood – Does it still count as worshipping a false idol if I’m the idol?
Horrible? That’s a funny way to spell adorable.
If you ever wanted to experience a text-adventure with modern polish without feeling entirely lost, then this is far from a bodge job even though it is a sci-fi tale of Bodgers.
The first DLC for Battlefleet Gothic: Armada 2 brings about the Chaos Faction and their Dark Gods. The Emperor won’t protect you now.