Dap does well in presenting a game that can give you the element of surprise, while still trying to give some sense of protection over your fellow daps.
March is slowly marching it’s way out, leaving us with wonderful month long observances such as National Celery and National Frozen Food month in the U.S. and some lovely date specific holidays, like the National Festival of Trees held every
A disappointingly designed roguelite.
Beacon is one of the most satisfying top-down shooters to look at, and even though it doesn’t necessarily bring much new to the table, it is still a competent and fun game.
Akira had a long call with Hotline Miami about that baby they made together.
Sleep Tight is a cartoony twin-stick shooter .
Milanoir is a top down shooter set in Milan, Italy in the 70’s. It has some charming art direction, a good soundtrack, and a unique setting, but it falls terribly short on content and gameplay design choices.
Synthetik is wonderfully crafted top down roguelike shooter that is one of the best I’ve seen in ages. At its price point it offers a ton of content, and will grant dozens of hours of fun to the lovers of this sub-genre. A must buy.
Will you become a foot soldier, a tank driver, a medic or something else? Enlist in the war effort today and do your part!
10tons are churning out top-down shooters, and they are consistently worth it!