Steam: Released
Developer: Virtual Basement LLC, Code Headquarters LLC
Publisher: Virtual Basement LLC
Genre: Action, Indie
Release date: 8th December 2015
Type: Multi-player
Do you remember your childhood? I certainly do and I am one of those people who never wanted to grow up really, especially in this time and country I am living in. I always like to say that I was born in wrong place and in the wrong time. I remember playing with little green plastic soldiers, tanks and others military equipment. Review for today game is bringing back those good old memories.
I wasn’t aware of this game untill I got an email announcing this game coming out. First of all it wasn’t in Early Access and what I found out from other people, the game was in some kind of closed beta. The problem was that game wasn’t either advertised good or it wasn’t advertised at all, because I would probably knew about the game. As I was going through the mail I immediately knew this is game for me, because it brought me memories how I played with those plastic toys and how I played one good old game called Army Men on Playstation 1. Army Men, what a great game. Too bad there isn’t a newer version in the series, but The Green Means – Plastic Warfare is like a newer version in Army Men series.
I don’t know was the developer intention to make an Army Men like game or completely new game. In the end it doesn’t matter really, because who knows when will we get and will we ever get a new Army Men game. The Green Means – Plastic Warfare is the third-person shooter, multiplayer only game. As I said, the game wasn’t in Early Access, but it was in closed beta. You can tell that, because game doesn’t feel as finished, I mean it’s playable, but I just have feeling it wasn’t polished, tweaked, fixed and balanced as much as it could had been. I don’t want to be a boogeyman and scare you with bad things in the beginning of this review, to be honest this game doesn’t have a really bad things, there are just some things that needs to be changed/fixed/tweaked and balanced.
I will never consider this game so seriously as some others, because this is the game where I can rest my nerves from playing the Rocket League, even though I can be frustrated sometimes in The Green Means, but not so much as in other games. One thing that makes me happy, brings me joy and because I feel relaxed is the design of the game, graphics, music, sound effects, just the whole presentation of the game. When you enter that colorful world of the plastic warfare, with old school music playing in the background, you just feel like you are in the some cartoon or just in some old black and white movie. There is a minority of people complaining that game looks too childish, but I wouldn’t agree fully with them. The game looks childish, but certainly not too much. The only thing I can complain In terms of how game looks, is the lack of few more seriously designed maps. With less cartoonish style and more man style, if you get me. Maybe we will get something in the future, but even without that I am very happy with how the game looks.
Another thing I like about this game is that everyone are equal, no big differences between players, skill is what matter in this game. First, game doesn’t have any kind of class or level system. You don’t get experience to level up, you don’t get any money to buy things from in-game store or any other modern gaming thing. The Green Means – Plastic Warfare is the old-school shooter, something like Unreal Tournament and Quake, it’s not arena shooter, but everyone are equal.
Why I am saying and why I am comparing this game to the old games is that there is total of five weapons in the game. Assault rifle, Sniper, Shotgun, RPG and Flamethrower + you have a grenade.Game posses the stamina system. When the game was released you would have lost stamina for running, dodging, jumping, but then they nerfed it and now you loose stamina only for running and I think they’ve made a good decision, because you are losing stamina very fast when you are running and when you add dodging and jumping, then you really don’t need the stamina system. This way, game got more intense, faster and more interesting. Game uses third-person view and that can be a good thing or bad thing. It can be advantage or disadvantage, it depends on the person point of view. The map design also plays a little role in the gameplay, because of third-person view. Game doesn’t use any cover system and I think any TPS game that uses cover system makes mistake. Cover system is good in single-player games, but not in multi-player games. Even though there isn’t a cover system , you can use the design of map to hide or cover from your enemy and some people are using map design very well and shrewdly.
At the start of this review I talked about how the game doesn’t really have a real problem. It just has some things that must be fixed. The only thing I can complain about in this game are game modes. There are total of 10 game modes and 10 maps. Each game modes has specially designed map. There is no way to play TDM match in the Bathtub map. I already made a video about it in which I said that I like four game modes and there are six others game modes that needs to be fixed/changed. A lot of them have some non logical things, for example the Deep Freeze game mode. In this game mode you must unfreeze your Dinosaur that is under the ground, but before getting to underground, you must melt down the ice-cube in the center of the map. The problem and unlogical thing is that you don’t get any rewards for melting down the ice-cube in the center of the map. Pretty much you and the enemy team can work together and melt down that ice-cube as quickly as you can and then melt down your Dinosaur. That is just one of the problems with game modes in this game. I also realized that a lot of maps are just too big and too long, especially for the game that is not so popular at the moment. Basically if there are only few people playing, you might be bored, because of uninteresting game mode and the size of the map. I know that people like to watch videos more than reading the text, so below this paragraph you can find the video in which I talk about the problems of the game modes in this game. I talked about each ten game modes and whats their problem, if there is a one of course.
I thing that The Green Means – Plastic Warfare and the developers accomplished what they wanted, if that were they plan. This game is fun, not serious and not so much frustrating. I really consider this game to relax and have fun, especially playing with friends or just some random nice people from all over the world. I hope that this game will become more and more popular, because it deserves. The more people are in this game the better it is. No class system, no level system, so basically everyone are on the same page and only the skill matters. There are some how to say, unique and fun modes, but then again there are some modes that needs to be changed, removed or replaced. All in all I am satisfied with the game and I don’t see the reason or reasons why you shouldn’t have this game in your library. This game has my recommendation.