
PREVIEW: Objects in Space

Become a pirate, a bounty hunter, a smuggler, a trader, or everything at the same time in Objects in Space, a space-sim where combat makes it feel like you’re flying a space submarine.

PREVIEW: Rise of Industry

Do you yearn to be the next Richard Branson or Elon Musk?. Why put your hard money on the line. A smarter and more relaxing way, would be to create your own virtual business empire. With Rise of Industry you can do just that! Read on..

PREVIEW: House Party

While the party itself is pretty lame, House Party, the game, successfully pushes the boundaries of Steam adult gaming. It’s rough around the edges, but still worth a look.

REVIEW: Lobster Empire

Lobster Empire is a soggy slog through mediocrity that barely qualifies as a modern game, even less so a sim, and certainly doesn’t earn the badge of being an empire of anything but tedium.

PREVIEW: Battlefleet Engineer

Given the depth of its complex mechanics, there is no doubt the game is worth the developers low asking price. However, the current lack of substance in its core gameplay loop means most players are not going to find the game to be worth investing

PREVIEW: The Universim

Ever wanted to rule the world? Why think so small!? The entire Universe can be yours to shape! It’s time to break out your divine will, assume the role of the Supreme Creator, and shape the lives of the Nugget race to whatever your heart desires.

REVIEW: Tempest Citadel

Tempest Citadel is an RTS/Management game with a good setting and a decent storyline, but it falls short with its combat mechanics and generally poor explanations of how the game itself works. A real pity, because it had good potential.

REVIEW: Frostpunk

From the makers of This War of Mine, comes Frostpunk, a society survival game where you have to manage the last city on Earth, in the midst of a global catastrophe.



May 2024

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