Tag: review

REVIEW: State Of Mind

State of Mind is a solid narrative adventure with complex themes and excellent world design, that however doesn’t reach excellence due to pacing problems and lack of choices.

REVIEW: The Shore

Solo dev Ares Dragonis managed to pull of a rather impressive piece of gaming here, that surely will please fans of horror and Lovecraft alike. It’s not perfect however, while the proposed full price is almost out of market compared to the

REVIEW: Journey To The Savage Planet

With their first game, Typhoon studios managed to deliver a solid metroidvania style adventure with strong setting, arti direction and gameplay. Even if not perfect, JTSP proves to be a solid title for the genre.


Originally released for WiiU, ZOMBI is a porting not without flaws, but that manages to be carried by its excellent atmosphere and unique mechanics despite the problems.

REVIEW: Horizon Zero Dawn (PC)

Guerrilla Games delivers a superb open world action adventure with exceptional levels of polishing, great content variety and masterfully designed mechanics. Despite a rocky launch plagued by technical issues, Horizon Zero Dawn is now in the best

REVIEW: Ghostbusters: The Video Game Remastered

Ghostbusters. A timeless classic – hailed by many to be the long awaited (unofficial) sequel to Ghostbusters 2 that some of us have been waiting for. Re…mastered…released..? Whatever – now with achievements and in-game texture upscaling

REVIEW: The Evil Within

From the creator of Resident Evil, Shinji Mikami, a survival horror that delivers high quality gameplay typical of the genre, while introducing an original story concept with elements seldom seen in this kind of game. An overall brilliant piece of

REVIEW: S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Clear Sky

The iconic STALKER series returns in this prequel to Shadow of Chernobyl. Clear Sky delivers once again everything that made the first chapter great, while also improving gameplay. However, some design choices weren’t thought out so well and



April 2024

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