
REVIEW: Scapeland

Scapeland is developed and published by 3100 games, the dev team’s sole Steam project so far, and after briefly reading on the game’s Store page I noticed that it was developed by 5 eager students. Steam’s the perfect place to jump-start your career

REVIEW: Astervoid 2000

Back when the Nintendo 64 was released, it opened a fantastic era of 4-player games sharing the same screen while the PC focused on online gaming. Twenty years later, 4-player games are released on PC like an avalanche since TowerFall has shown that

PREVIEW: Strategy & Tactics: Dark Ages

Strategy & Tactics: Dark Ages is a turn-based strategy title by the developers over at HeroCraft. They are no strangers to the strategy genre, making several medieval and modern themed games over the past year. It has been over a month since the

REVIEW: Alchemic Jousts

Alchemic Jousts is a casual two-dimensional tower defence game in which you must use your burgeoning elemental magic abilities to destroy your opponents’ towers while protecting your own.

REVIEW: Experience

How can you describe a game truthfully, bringing in what the game means in a sentence? Experience is described as wandering aimlessly through locations, destroying everything that may be a threat as you play the character. It couldn’t be more

REVIEW: End Of The Mine

The cleverly-titled End of the Mine is a mostly enjoyable if somewhat unexceptional 2D platformer/shooter, in which the player mines for interplanetary goodies while blasting endless hordes of beasties. Find weapons, upgrade weapons, craft ammo

REVIEW: Project Abyss

Project Abyss is developed and published by Tall Story Studios. They’ve had previous experience with Guardians of Victoria which, despite being critically panned, still offered a decent steampunk setting. I’m glad to say that they’ve learned from

REVIEW: Crazy Oafish Ultra Blocks: Big Sale

Crazy Oafish Ultra Blocks: Big Sale is a good idea, but a poorly executed one. Lack of a tutorial and lack of controller support makes the game feel unfinished while poor controls (though re-bindable) and even poorer performance make the entire

PREVIEW: Unexplored

Action roguelikes, or “roguelites”, however you want to put it, have become quite the popular thing lately.  Many of them go with all sorts of different gameplay concepts, but the focus is usually purely on the action… a far cry


The store page description goes on about dancing so I was expecting a music/rhythm game but it’s not that at all. Essentially it’s moving left/right to keep your balance, which doesn’t sound very appealing but actually



May 2024

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