Steam excavations, November 2021.
…for shooting you in the tentacles.
Leave the salt and silver at home. Your camera is the only thing that’s going to save you in this ghostly survival horror experience.
You “only” get a bit over 100 abilities in this early access version?
Praised be the Omnissiah, the Adeptus Mechanicus are finally here!
I can’t believe how many customizations were put into this game. It looks like a labor of love from its quality, although not without some annoyances.
We’re going to need more dice where we’re going.
The final part of the Shadowrun trilogy with different setting and story. It feels inferior to the first two games, although it’s still enjoyable all the same.
A short visual novel about a toxic relationship that is told in symbolism. It’s a bizarre experience, although the true value lies to those who have experienced a similar story.
A dark, gritty souls-like game where we can possess the bodies of enemies.