What would be a new NES classic in 2018, RobbOtto is about two robots trying not to kill one another as they attempt to work together to learn the meaning of friendship.
Before the Anthropocene epoch there were many other ages, spanning eons, filled with marvelous creatures. Does a visit warrant the investment?
Putting the “form” into platformer
“Thou shalt be the winner and not the chicken dinner.” The long-awaited sequel to the 2013 indie-hit is finally here.
We Happy Few has a masterfully crafted setting with top notch writing and competent art direction. However, even though it nails the tone and delivery it does not save the game from feeling poorly designed and overpriced.
It’s time to get yelled at by Josh Duhamel every few seconds as I try to find some supplies. Man, he is so impatient.
Full Throttle is a classic video game. It is from a bygone age of Point and Click Adventure games appealingly brought back to life in a spiffy new Remastered package. It even sports fine leather jackets to add a touch of unexpected sophistication!
The great setting and graphics and excellent control systems could have been used to make a fantastic EVA simulator, rather than a slightly disappointing action game.
Enter the simulation. Build the HYPERGUN! *hacker voice* I’m in.
The Dreamlands: Aisling’s Quest is a dreamlike, colorful point & click adventure game telling a short but respectable story in an interesting way. While die-hard fans of the point & click genre are likely to enjoy themselves, the