Tag: platformer

REVIEW: Suppressed

Life as a full-circle is perfect. Food, water, and shelter easily available and plentiful along with other pleasures. Life as a half-circle? Barely able to survive with the little food and water they can scrounge up. Forced to live outside or work


Platformers have it hard these days.  It seems like there are hundreds of them being released each month.  Just looking at the sheer number of platforming indies can leave you at a loss as where to start looking for a good one.  Often, you view a

REVIEW: Renoir

Renoir is developed by Black Wing Foundation and published by 1C Company. Dev team has been active on Steam for the past two years and this can be seen even in the case of the reviewed game today. It’s both in a polished state and also features the

REVIEW: Bullshot

With its logo and style, Bullshot looks like an escaped Pig Cop from Duke Nukem. Except that he is a bull, and trying to save his species by committing a genocide on the nasty aliens enslaving them!

REVIEW: Clockwork

Clockwork is a steampunk style puzzle-platformer made by Gamesoft, as their debut title. In a lot of ways it reminds me of Teslagrad, another game with a similar aesthetic (which I would recommend) – it also had hand-drawn art like Clockwork

REVIEW: Talent Not Included

Talent Not Included is a tough platformer set on an ever changing stage in a drama. Does it reach for the stars or flops worse than any other act out there, let’s find out:

REVIEW: Cursed Castilla

Cursed Castilla could be a spin-off from Ghosts n Goblins, an arcade title of 1985. You know, those ridiculously difficult games designed to eat your coins by making you die over and over until you mastered the game and could finish it blindfolded

REVIEW: Ghost 1.0

Ghost 1.0 is a puzzle platformer with metroidvania elements, does it do enough to invade our minds or has no soul of its own like its protagonist. Let’s find out :



May 2024

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