A sandswept action RPG with souls-like influences, burdened by overly cryptic quests and rough, sand bogged combat mechanics.
To The Rescue! has the potential to be a solid dog shelter simulation game, but it is hindered by bugs and balancing issues at the moment.
I find it kind of funny, I find it kind of sad, the dreams in which I’m dying are the best I’ve ever had.
Dark Deity takes you back to the simpler times of classic TRPGs. There’s plenty of quality nostalgia to be found but a few less desirable elements of the old days managed to fly under the radar as well.
Although the premise and certain features are okay, it doesn’t cohere into a twin stick shooter that’s well polished or likely to hold one’s attention for long.
A rogue-like hack and slash where we confront the monsters of the dream world.