Tag: action

REVIEW: Neon Chrome

An action-roguelike from the creators of Xenoraid, Neon Chrome is a twin-stick shooter that sees you climbing your way through a procedural tower on your way to defeat the Overseer at the top.  Big on action, it’s filled with a lot of the same

REVIEW: Laser Disco Defenders

Laser Disco Defenders is a 2D twin-stick shooter with bullet-hell elements. You play as one of many “disco defenders”, each with their own benefits and disadvantages. You navigate your defender through each stage destroying all of the

REVIEW: Xenon Valkyrie

I have to say, Xenon Valkyrie rather caught me by surprise. In my seemingly unending quest to find more good games with roguelike elements and procedural hilarity, I was surprised to see what at first glance appeared to be something like a sci-fi

PREVIEW: Riptale

Recently Greenlit, Riptale is now scheduled to be released within a few months and the devs prepared a demo for the Press.

PREVIEW: GoatPunks

There are a few staples of the 4-player versus multi-player that consistently surface when playing with my friends, among them Samurai Gunn and Duck Game. Whether or not they want it, I will make GoatPunks one of the new pillars of our multi-player

REVIEW: Damage: Sadistic Butchering of Humanity

In the post-Hatred world, I suppose a game like this was an inevitability. Damage: The Sadistic Butchering of Humanity is about a random bloke who gets so thoroughly pissed off at the world that he goes on a rampage, slaying pretty much everything

REVIEW: Fumiko!

This is a low-poly 3D platformer/adventure game. You play as Fumiko, a lady mannequin type figure with flames for hair. She is some kind of AI, booted up at the start of the game with no knowledge of herself or her whereabouts. She sets off on a



May 2024

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