This intriguing strategy game inadvertently shoots itself in the foot when it comes to holding players’ attention, as progression comes at the price of anything interesting you obtained.
Lovely graphics and music provide a window into a beautiful world that’s plagued by cyclical floods … and very poor game balance.
While there are some good ideas here, they’re often overwhelmed by frustration.
It’s not quite Dungeon Keeper, the roguelite
A more recent title in the classic be the bad guy approach, Legend of Keepers: Career of a Dungeon Master is a rogue-lite reverse dungeon crawler with some interesting ideas that don’t quite have enough replay value yet.
The constant struggle within
Tactical turn-based spy game, Sigma Theory: Global Cold War, adds Nigeria as a new nation to flesh out the world
Fight your way through Limbo, one card at a time.
A moderately fun Early-Access robot dungeon crawler marred by some questionable design decisions and bugs.