A new entry in the side-scrolling survival-city builder genre bursts onto the scene with Until We Die and it makes a solid impact… if only you could save.
Oh why couldn’t this case be as simple as it seemed?
About 70 minutes long RTX demo not really worth its asking price.
With a name like Ol=Ohma I’d expect them to be the major villain lol
Is it possible to make a fun game around a core boring mechanic?
Will you be able to manage a fantasy colony where four different races must coexist peacefully?
In Other Waters does a relaxing take on an aquatic exploration. Explore the planet to study new specimens through the simplistic interface.
The galaxy is a chaotic and dangerous place and only true unity can bring peace and order to it. Will you work through the galactic community for it or will you simply be the last one left to guide the future?
Aron’s Adventure is an enjoyable indie title with great visuals, enjoyable combat and a nice atmosphere. Unfortunately, it suffers in some areas.
Multitasking busywork IN SPAAAAACE!