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REVIEW: One Night Stand

Our main protagonist wakes up in bed with a girl just as naked as he is. To make things worse, he has no recollection of the previous evening. If that were you, what would you do, run for the door or stay and bond?

REVIEW: Runbow

Runbow is a 9 player party platformer action game which has some cut throat multiplayer battles. Does it race away to victory against its other competitors or gets sweeped across in its own colours, let’s find out:

REVIEW: Suppressed

Life as a full-circle is perfect. Food, water, and shelter easily available and plentiful along with other pleasures. Life as a half-circle? Barely able to survive with the little food and water they can scrounge up. Forced to live outside or work

REVIEW: Draw Slasher

Draw Slasher is the unique demanding and dynamic action packed beat’em up you need only a mouse to play. Cut, slice, snip, sever, chop, shear and trim hordes of Pirate Monkey Zombies.

REVIEW: Redout

Redout is a high-speed futuristic track racing game in the same vein as Wipeout 2097 and other similar classics.

REVIEW: Renoir

Renoir is developed by Black Wing Foundation and published by 1C Company. Dev team has been active on Steam for the past two years and this can be seen even in the case of the reviewed game today. It’s both in a polished state and also features the


Ember is an old school RPG which looks to pay homage to games like Baldur’s gate. Does it light up the genre or leaves a permanent darkness in the gamers’ minds, let’s find out:

REVIEW: Planet Explorers

How many of you have ever had the pleasure of driving your own vehicle? Ever forget to check your blind spot? In any case, most of the time I’m sure nothing bad will happen if you do forget to check it. Times change though! In this instance the

REVIEW: Beglitched

With it’s bizarre presentation, delicate but surprisingly engaging gameplay, Beglitched turns the match-three genre into a strange adventure about the insecurities of our computers and most importantly, ourselves. Does it hold up as a bizarre game

REVIEW: Clockwork

Clockwork is a steampunk style puzzle-platformer made by Gamesoft, as their debut title. In a lot of ways it reminds me of Teslagrad, another game with a similar aesthetic (which I would recommend) – it also had hand-drawn art like Clockwork



May 2024

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