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REVIEW: Semispheres

If you take a brief glance at a video for this you may think it’s all about timing and dexterity but it’s nothing of the sort. This is a puzzler through and through.

REVIEW: Laser Disco Defenders

Laser Disco Defenders is a 2D twin-stick shooter with bullet-hell elements. You play as one of many “disco defenders”, each with their own benefits and disadvantages. You navigate your defender through each stage destroying all of the

REVIEW: Bleed 2

Bleed 2 is the sequel to Bleed and, consequently, the work of Ian Campbell. Also worth noting is the fact that, this time around, Bleed features a great soundtrack by Jukio Kallio, the mind behind other great soundtracks such as Nuclear Throne and

REVIEW: Hollow Knight

An entire civilisation has come and gone. The plague took it all. The rich, the poor, the soldiers, the traders… no, not the traders. They always strive whatever the circumstances, and you are here to put them back in business with your trusted nail.

REVIEW: theHunter: Call of the Wild

First of all, theHunter: Call of the Wild is about hunting wildlife. If you are okay with that, then the game is going to be pretty much what you expected. I played the original Hunter quite a while back and I was not able to get into it for some

REVIEW: Rise & Shine

Adult Swim is an interesting publisher, with lots of cool indie projects such as Duck Game, Headlander or Volgarr The Viking. Unlike AAA publishers, Adult Swim does not seem afraid to give the developers a lot of freedom, and they tend to pick games



May 2024

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