Archive: April 2017

REVIEW: 88 Heroes

88 heroes is a fun and witty platformer which is obsessed with the number 8. It features a humongous roster of 88 heroes and features a villain called Dr H8.

REVIEW: Epistory – Typing Chronicles

Epistory: Typing Chronicles is one of the most simple yet unique games I have played in quite a while. It puts you in the boots of the muse of a struggling writer, a little girl riding on a fox who has to travel around in an origami world and return

PREVIEW: Subsiege

Developed by Icebird Studios and Aesir Interactive and published by Headup Games, “Subsiege” aims to be the next big thing in the E-sports and RTS spectrum. The game is a real-time strategy multiplayer only set in post-apocalyptic 2063:

REVIEW: River City Ransom: Underground

River City Ransom: Underground is an action Beat ‘em up title which is a throwback to the classic NES era. Now, you are not here to delve into the story as this doesn’t offer much in that section. It does have a story which deals with you going

PREVIEW: Northgard

If I had to describe Northgard in a single line, it would be “Age of Empires with Viking clans”. Apart from the visual aesthetic, you will see from the start how much Northgard plays similar to the Age of Empires. Age of Empires being my favourite

REVIEW: Power Hover

Power Hover is an adventure racing game which is a game essentially about robots with hoverboards and their quest. Does it stick to its route or fall down a cliff? Let’s find out:



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