N++ is an indie platformer developed and published by Metanet Software Inc. This is a very simple game to review, since seeing some gameplay explains everything.
You have a board of squares with a cube in a starting position. Placed around the board are coloured + signs and coloured squares. You have to choose a route for your cube around the board to intercept each + followed by the square of the same
If you’ve played Super Crate Box but wished there was more to it chances are this game could fill that void.
When I first came across DreamBreak I was really excited by what I saw, the gorgeous pixel art, the lovely soundtrack, which you can listen to in the trailer, and the feeling of a dystopian USSR made me crave for this game.
In Selma and the Wisp you play as a ball of light that leads a little girl through several levels of dangerous situations in a nightmare world. It’s akin to platforming by dragging someone tied to you by a rope and hoping they make it all the way
The original Lovely Planet was certainly an unexpected bit of joy – And by joy I mean frantic, stressful, skill-demanding shooting that was punctuated by a (mostly) strong soundtrack and bright, cheerful visuals.
Bohemian Killing is a first-person courtroom drama developed by The Moonwalls and published by IQ Publishing.
The Deadly Tower of Monsters is a parody of Hollywood B movies from 70s. That’s the main reason why I have chosen this game. I like playing parodies and I like games with retro setting.
Out of the Park Baseball 17 is a sports strategy game where you can bring your very own baseball team to success. You can play both against bots or real people.
EPΘCH is a 2D action RPG developed and published by Nick Everlith. This game is inspired by the original The Legend Of Zelda, Dark Souls and the Metroidvania games.