Tag: featured

REVIEW: Slayaway Camp

Slayaway Camp is a gory puzzle game which aims to pay tribute to the old slasher-flicks with a touch of humour on its side. Does it slash its way across the pile of various puzzle games or drown in its own blocky blood. Let’s find out:


Klang! That’s the sound of electronic beats so sick you’ll need to report to a music specialist and a physician to find out why you can’t stop tapping your toes and nodding your head to the rhythm. Klang’s difficulty is absolutely brutal, but you’ll

REVIEW: Particle Fleet: Emergence

This is a 2D space strategy game where you have to conquer territory. You build your ships and then move them around the map to conquer new territory and defend existing territory. In the early levels there are no enemy ships. Instead, you are

REVIEW: Hide and Shriek

Yes yes, you can read this review, it is safe. No trap guaranteed. Just click here to display it, then scroll down a little bit, then BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! Are you ok? If you are allergic to jump scares, perhaps you should not read

REVIEW: Octave

Anate Studio is a new developer that has just released their first title, Octave. 2D in nature, the game blends a healthy dose of point n’ click interaction with the gloomy overtones of a horror game. Octave plays and feels like something you

REVIEW: Watch This!

I’m going to be a bit lenient with this game, not to the point of giving it an all clear and not talking about the bad points but because it’s an indie game and while it’s a full release I hope they come back to it to add more


Contrary to what the title leads you to believe, BUTCHER is a game about collecting flowers in a meadow. You get 10 points for daisies, 50 points for dandelions and a crowning achievement plus 1000 points if you find the elusive rose. If you

REVIEW: Cossacks 3

I wasn’t really hyped about this game when I saw the announcement for the first time, but I was happy that we are finally getting one proper RTS game. Cossacks game series isn’t maybe so known in the gaming world, because there are few

REVIEW: The Turing Test

Imagine, if you could will, your own existence. Are you alive? What makes you alive? Are you a Human or a Machine? How can you really tell? How do you know it isn’t just programming that is telling you that you are human.



May 2024

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