Uncontrollable AAA top quality.
Graveyard Keeper keeps growing and Game of Crone makes it that much better.
Journey is incredibly atmospheric and immersive. The story is open to interpretation but it will keep you gripped throughout, nonetheless.
Despite being marketed as an action RPG, combat isn’t what I remember the most from playing the game.
A metroidvania platformer that has us delve into various dream worlds.
If you think simply talking about your problems will solve them in a game like this, then you’ve got another thing coming
Ported over from mobile, it translates into a decent game on the PC. However, after beating the game, there’s not much reason to keep playing, in spite of all the unlockable suits available.
The first game utilized sex appeal to draw attention to a very challenging platforming puzzler. Its sequel uses the same tactics, without offering more content or value, while also charging more.
Attack of the precognicient mech suit wearing lawful good space paladins
Matrix Games’ established 4X strategy game gets its Steam release on Dec 3rd