
PREVIEW: Starpoint Gemini 3

Starpoint Gemini 3 is currently in Early Access on Steam and is pretty devoid of content at the moment. I mean, technically it is a game set in space, so being mostly empty and undeveloped could be said to be a feature!

PREVIEW: Between the Stars

Between the Stars is an Early Access title that has really shown itself to be quite ambitious. It has a lot going for it, although at present, it is a bit repetitive. That can be forgiven since it is still in development. As it stands right now

REVIEW: Age of Wonders: Planetfall

One could say that Age of Wonders has lost its magic, others could say that any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. Brace yourselves; it’s time for the magical wonders of Planetfall.

REVIEW: Subdivision Infinity DX

I think I was born much too soon. Oh how I long for my own spaceship where I could make an honest living as a Freelancer coming and going as I please. Even an asteroid miner in the darkest depth of space would be a dream job for me. The solitude and

REVIEW: DATE A LIVE: Rio Reincarnation

DATE A LIVE: Rio Reincarnation isn’t just a simple visual novel; it’s much more than that! It’s three visual novels in one! What it lacks in interactive gameplay it more than makes up in attention grabbing plot!

REVIEW: Super Neptunia RPG

Our favourite pudding loving amnesiac is back again in an all new adventure. Some may say Neptune is a bit too one-dimensional to be a Goddess, but she is here to prove you wrong in her new two-dimensional game.



May 2024

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