Although the idea behind INK isn’t a bad one, with controls that don’t feel precise and such basic gameplay, it doesn’t make for a game worth playing.
Little Misfortune pales in comparison to Fran Bow, as it essentially underperforms in almost every way. But it has voice acting! *Glitter*
For a game with so little content, it still manages to sneak in a bug and inconsistent writing. It’s sloppier than the first game.
I’m not sure what others see in this game as it’s incredibly short, unfunny, and boring. Perhaps I should look in a mirror, but I suggest looking elsewhere for a better game.
The game has decent audio/visual quality, but the worst thing about it is that it’s pretty boring. The gameplay isn’t varied enough to hold one’s attention for long.
Kinetic Edge – be the ball. Or cube.
It’s not wise to judge something by its outside appearances, but in this case I should have trusted my initial thoughts more. There are good ideas present, but Wings of Bluestar doesn’t execute them well.
The first game utilized sex appeal to draw attention to a very challenging platforming puzzler. Its sequel uses the same tactics, without offering more content or value, while also charging more.
This is a seemingly average parody game made through RPG Maker. However, it contains offensive, divisive content that is very out of place for the rest of the game.
This game has a dark tone that brings down the experience. The story has comedic moments, but is routinely mean-spirited to a key side character. You are unable to prevent tragic events from happening right in front of you. Plus, you will be