A pretty solid adventure game but there is a bit of jankiness that you’ll have to get past in order to fully enjoy the game.
Resort Boss: Golf is a slightly modernized take on the SimGolf formula but it lacks the same charm. Still a game worth checking out if you’re a fan of simulation games.
Tower of Arcana is a card-based dungeon crawler crossed with an action RPG. It’s A Bit Too Early In Its Development To Tell If It’ll Turn Out Good Or Not.
Empires in Ruins is a pretty unique game that combines the 4X and Tower Defense genres in a way that actually works, surprisingly. One to keep an eye on.
Forgotten Passages isn’t a game you beat, it’s a game you endure because it’s absolutely grueling to get through all 100 levels due to how utterly boring it is.
Coteries of New York is a great visual novel filled with vampire myth/lore, secret societies, and a great cast of characters.